If you are a novice fishkeeper and planning to keep some pet fish in an aquatic house then it is a superb idea. But every hobby comes with responsibility if you are dealing with the life of some living beings. If you are a real fish enthusiast then first make sure that you want to continue fishkeeping for a long time.
With the hobby, your responsibility is to take care of your pet fish in every possible aspect. You will often see that the life of fish breeds and other aquatic species is not very long. So, you can provide them a happy and comfortable livelihood until the time they live.
Not every aquarist is a born expert to nourish and nurture different aquatic species; everyone has to learn some basic care guide for upbringing a freshwater or saltwater fish. Each fish breed has a specific care guide, so you really cannot follow the same process for feeding, setting tank, keeping suitable companions and other care requirements.
Let us explore the aquatic world and acquire ideas from fish experts of Fisharoma who have helped you to take care of our swimmer buddy in the following ways:
If you are petting a freshwater fish then never set marine water adornments like seashells, sea plants, oysters, etc. These things can cause trouble to your tropical pet because the sharp edges of the sea objects can cause injury to your pet while moving from one place to another. So, be careful about the tank setting. Also, never keep any saltwater species in a freshwater tank because they won’t be able to survive without marine environment and saltwater.
Every fish breed belongs to a different type of ambiance and habitation, so it is necessary to remember that without a proper environment any fish cannot live long. So firstly, keep live plants to keep the environment natural. Also, keep proper substrate like fine gravels and hiding place like caves in the aquarium.
Keep LED light for boosting the energy of the fish and keep a good filtration system to flush out the bacteria and other toxic compounds from the tank. This will help maintain the hygiene of the tank.
We make our homes in soil and aquatic species make their house in water, so water is the most important part of the life of your pet fish. Therefore, maintain the exact temperature, hardness, pH level, and other things while keeping water in the tank.
Every fish has a different requirement and you need to know that by following the basic fish care guides about each fish that is your favorite.
Moreover, try to maintain the cleanliness of the water by using a gravel vacuum cleaner. You can change about 10% water of the tank every week and about 20% of the water of the tank every month maintain the quality of living condition of your pet fish.
Don’t get confused with the human diet and the food requirement of fish because both are completely different. If you feed wrong foods to your pet fish then it may get affected with various diseases, and its immune system may fall down.
If you are petting a herbivoros fish like Plecos, Cichlids and Silver dollar then their vegetative diet must include green peas, zucchini, sliced lettuce, and other chopped vegetables. You can also feed algae and plant leaves to the herbivores.
For the carnivoros fish like Silver Arowana, Sharks and Peacock Bass, feed worms, shrimps, snails and other meaty foods that will help brighten the color of the fish breeds.
You can feed both meaty and vegetative foods to the omnivoros fish of your aquarium. Moreover, providing pellets, frozen foods and flakes can also help them boost their energy.
Along with the food requirement, you have to know the time gaps to feed your fish because overfeeding may result in bloating and swim bladder disease, and less food can result in malnutrition. If you have no idea then take expert’s help to set a proper diet for your loving pet fish.
Knowing about the temperament and familiarity of your chosen pet fish is one of the prime things when you are planning to breed the fish. For the aggressive species, you have to keep suitable tankmates in its tank, otherwise the peaceful fish will be eaten or troubled by the aggressive one.
Moreover, if a peaceful fish tank is filled with rageful fish then stress and violence will be the only answer. So, try to find suitable tankmates for your pet fish to set a calm and quite aquatic environment in your home.
Whether you are setting a tank for a large or a small fish, just keep the same size fish together by maintaining the size of the tank. Small tanks for large breed can be suffocating and that can turn it more aggressive.
When you are encouraging the mating and breeding of your pet fish, create a separate tank and keep the mating breeds together by checking the tank size and temperature of the water. Don’t keep other breeds in that tank, and after the reproduction process, separate the newborn fries from their parent because some parents can eat up them after their birth.
Fish are prone to many diseases, so you need to take care of the matter by giving healthy food and a good environment for them.
For a happy fish, you have to manage its health because if it is healthy then it can live for a long time with satisfaction. Don’t violate the aforesaid care guide if you want to keep the fish healthy. If your pet fish is affected to multiple diseases then go for a thorough health check-up from veterinary doctor to keep it fine.
As a fish hobbyist, it is your priority to follow proper care guide for different fish breeds and other aquatic species. Your pet fish is not only a past time but it is an important member of your family.